Unlock the full potential of the immune repertoire using T-cell receptor sequencing

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Understanding the human immune system starts with the right tools

T cells are pivotal in the adaptive immune system, guided by T-cell receptors (TCR) identifying antigens. TCR sequencing has demonstrated to be a versatile high-throughput technique that empowers immunologists to take a deep dive into T-cell responses. TCR sequencing is used to read out the unique set of T-cell receptors present in an individual’s immune system. These receptors play a crucial role in how the body recognises and responds to pathogens, making their analysis fundamental for advancing vaccine and immunotherapy research.

Generating TCR repertoires

TCR sequencing, a molecular biology approach, analyses T-cell diversity. Bulk sequencing efficiently assesses TCR repertoire in a sample, providing comprehensive insights into immune responses. Single-cell sequencing, though more precise, has higher costs and lower throughput.

TCR repertoire interpretation & bioinformatics

After sequencing, a data analysis pipeline reconstructs TCR clonotypes. Preprocessing minimises false signals, aligns data to a reference database and estimates diversity metrics. Followed by a downstream analysis that explores VDJ-gene usage, clonotype overlap and tracking individual clonotypes.

Go beyond standard analysis

Developers need advanced analysis techniques to distinguish vaccine-induced TCR responses from bystander responses. The three main ways to achieve this are database matching, statistical enrichment analyses and ML-based TCR-epitope annotations.

TCR sequencing stands at the forefront of immunological research, offering a detailed understanding of T-cell dynamics and therapeutic responses, which is essential for understanding patient-specific immune landscapes. This tool is vital for immunologists in biotech and pharma who are pioneering the next wave of cancer vaccines and immunotherapies. Here are the key benefits that make TCR sequencing an indispensable tool in the realm of T cell-based therapeutics:

  • Immuno-oncology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Auto-Immunity

TCR sequencing sheds light on the reasons behind the differential responses to therapy, enabling immunologists to fine-tune therapeutic strategies and enhance overall treatment efficacy.

Utilising TCR sequencing data, researchers can discover new biomarkers for disease progression and treatment response, which are vital for the development of diagnostic and prognostic tools.

Prof. Pieter Meysman, an expert in the field of Immuno-informaticst speaking on the application of TCR-epitope prediction models.

Our Tailored TCR Sequencing and Analysis Services

At ImmuneWatch, we provide a range of TCR sequencing and analysis services designed to meet the varied needs of cutting-edge immunological research. Our offerings are structured into distinct packages, each building upon the last to offer increasing levels of insight and detail.

* All listed prices are exclusive of VAT